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Why choose effecct ?

effecct has  been active in the training. sector for more than 19 years.
We develop tailor-made training solutions for all members of the training stake holder community.
Whether it be : End-users, Management, or Individuals.
effecct  provides affordable training packages to meet the demands of the modern training ecosystem .


Training should be cost-effective and deliver measurable results.”

As a certified Schoox implementation and sales partner, we help you leverage the capabilities and benefits of Schoox to achieve these goals.

Training Solutions

Innovative, bespoke and affordable

We can offer standard training packages that have already proved effective with our current client base.

Or we can work with you to develop targeted training modules , designed to increase the effectiveness of your employees.

We understand the pressures on organisations and consequently can offer On-site, Online or Virtual training, for groups or individuals to meet your budget and needs. 


A Virtual Classroom tailored to your needs and budget


We offer customised e-learning modules for your convenience


We develop standard or customised modules to meet your needs


Leverage effecct Training for Change Management

People don’t like change. Unless they understand the benefits of undergoing the change, they’ll be reluctant to take an effort to adopt innovation.

Training helps you equip leaders with knowledge and tools to identify and address internal resistance to change. It also helps your employees feel more comfortable and empowered to implement the upcoming transformations.

All things considered, training helps organizations develop effective change strategies and execute them. Any successful change initiative starts with quality leadership and employee training.

Die Akzeptanz Ihrer Lösung und die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeitenden sind Herausforderung und Schlüssel für Ihren Erfolg.

effecct Seminaren für Change Management


• Workshops zu SCRUM als agile Vorgehensweise und Methodenset


Ausbildung des gesamten Projektteams: Business & IT

Transfer Workshops

Transfer orientierte Workshops mit Praxis-Beispielen

Training on the job

Floor-Walking in den kritischen (Start-) Phasen und des Projekts


für alle Gruppen (Top-Management, Stakeholder, Keyuser und Anwender


Agile Working embraces both the physical and digital “workplace” in empowering and supporting people to work where, when and how they choose to maximise their productivity, innovation and ultimately to deliver their best value to the organisation.

One of the reasons Agile Working is difficult to implement is that there is no “one size fits all”; it is essentially specific and unique to the Organisation in question.

effecct can help you train your human resource by:

bringing people, processes, and technology, time and place together,
to find the most effective way of working.

To ensure employees are equipped to carry out their function in the most productive and effective way.


Many companies have found that implementing a coaching program in the workplace is helping to increase employee productivity and increase revenue.

Studies have found that 70% of employees stated that coaching helped to improve work performance, relationships, and communication skills. With that significant percentage in mind, it’s no surprise that companies have found that coaching employees provides a cost effective to boost growth in these challenging economic times..

Sie finden dazu bei uns verschiedene Seminare, die wir auf Ihren speziellen Bedarf anpassen und kombinieren können.

The Top 5 Benefits of Coaching for Your Organization

1. Increase Employee Engagement

Employee coaching is an effective path to improving employee engagement throughout an organization. Employee development aided by coaching in the workplace is absolutely essential if you are looking to engage and maximize productivity from your workforce.

Here are five major areas of focus where employee coaching can influence employee engagement:

+ Hone in on employee strengths rather than weaknesses.
+ Encourage regular two-way feedback on progress, among the entire team.
+ Always make sure skills learned are skills implemented.
+ Have your manager's completely buy-in to the employee coaching strategy.
+ Make sure adaptability is built into the coaching process.

2. Improve Employee Retention

Coaching can also play a significant role in helping you retain employees, by driving a greater sense of purpose, empowerment, and self-actualization.

Employees that see a career path and are provided opportunities for success through coaching are more likely to stay with the organization providing these benefits. These benefits of coaching foster the type of culture employees don’t want to leave, increasing retention and improving business outcomes.

+ Assure workers of their career progression pathway.
+ Level the playing field of different worker demographics.
+ Better equip managers to build an engaging, retention-ready workplace.
+ Give employees a sense of meaning and purpose.

3. Unlock New Sources of Productivity

An effective employee coaching program is an ongoing process dedicated to focusing on each worker’s individual needs, strengths and weaknesses, helping them improve in key areas through dedicated support. And one area every organization would most certainly label as key is productivity, as it has always been a significant factor in determining employee success.

Improved productivity is one of the top reasons most companies opt to put a coaching program in place. Though how productivity is defined and measured is different from company to company, it is always an essential driver of organizational growth.

Increased productivity means employees are not just getting more done, but are working smarter, more efficiently, and at higher quality levels. They’re decreasing the amount of time they’re spending on tasks, and performing those tasks better, faster, and more collaboratively.

4. Identify and Develop HIPOs (High-potential employees)

High-potential employees (HIPOs) are those that exhibit the necessary skills for a leadership or management position. Identifying and developing employees in this group should be an essential part of your coaching program. These are your more ambitious employees that take initiative in all tasks, and stand to benefit the most from employee coaching. And the company stands to benefit from coaching this group as well.

By pairing your HIPO with an experienced coach, they will learn the intricacies and nuances of potentially ascending into a leadership role before jumping in head-first. The coach not only offers guidance, but the feedback they provide can accelerate the HIPO’s progress and move them through the pipeline to management positions more quickly. Sample Content.

5. Increased Revenue

By making sure that businesses are operating efficiently, coaching can lead to increased revenue. Coaching is widely recognized by experts as the top way for organizations to increase revenue since coaching helps businesses to achieve their goals faster, identify opportunities for improvement, develop strategies to tackle challenges and foster a culture of innovation, all of which contribute to increased profitability and success.

In fact, according to a study by Manchester Inc., executives who underwent coaching experienced an average return on investment (ROI) of almost six times their initial investment, highlighting how coaching is an essential tool for businesses looking to drive growth, boost productivity, and achieve long-term success.

Besprechen Sie mit uns, was für Sie persönlich aktuell am wichtigsten ist

Schoox – eine moderne Lernwelt

Schoox ist eine moderne kollaborative Lern-Plattform für alle Mitarbeitenden in und außerhalb Ihrer Organisation. Die wichtigste Maxime lautet: „lernen, sich beruflich und persönlich weiterzubilden soll für alle Lernenden Spaß machen und möglichst einfach umzusetzen sein.“
Schoox hilft so dabei, die für die Ausrichtung Ihrer Organisation wichtigen Lern-Inhalte einfach, benutzerfreundlich und kontrolliert nach innen und außen bereitzustellen. Das Feedback der Lernenden, die Auswertung des Lernerfolgs und ggf. die Überprüfung von Compliance-Regeln (am Arbeitsplatz, gesetzliche Regeln, usw.) stehen für die fortlaufende Weiterentwicklung automatisiert zur Verfügung.
In 3 Schritten zu mehr Produktivität in Ihrem Unternehmen:

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2. Gespräch

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3. Zusammenarbeit

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Kontakt Info

effecct Training und Coaching
Zeppelinstraße 7,
Eingang A, Erdgeschoss
61118 Bad Vilbel

Tel: +49 151 14847 999

Unsere Firmenanschrift

effecct GmbH
An der Ziegelei 6
61118 Bad Vilbel

Tel: +49 151 14847 999

Contact Form:

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